08 April, 2013

Busy Builders

Right around the end of March Charlotte has gotten some kind of cabin fever & gone on a building kick. She always asks me to help her but her ideas are difficult for me to translate into reality while keeping the project hers. And I've usually just not got time as they tend to happen during quiet time when I'm trying to catch up on some stuff & start supper after school is done & Miranda is down for a nap. Mike was home one day so he volunteered to help her build a tree house. She wanted it 20 feet off of the ground but he helped her build a hobbit hole instead.

Victor didn't help, but he sure thought it was pretty neat.

Most of her projects involve the plastic twine that comes from the hay bales we feed to the goats. The day before her house building she had me make a dozen slipknots to strategically place in front of the animal sheds because she was sure a bear was coming to attack that night.

Another morning I awoke to find their scooter, bicycles & wagon tied to the stair railing that had served some deep mysterious purpose the day before but I didn't get the explanation. I think it was for her dragon, Charlotte is the only one whose had an imaginary friend. In this case it's a dragon named Popcorn & they have many adventures, all outside.

I love how she is so independent & outdoorsy minded. She wants to out & about all day long & can stay out there happily for hours at a time by herself though she does always welcome company.


Anonymous said...

COOL Fort. when I was little rofl I use to like making forts
I was a tom boy rofl...

Anonymous said...

COOL Fort. when I was little rofl I use to like making forts
I was a tom boy rofl...