10 July, 2015

Summer 15' Updates

I'm not a big picture taker, but I didn't quit taking pictures so much as I quit uploading them onto the computer. When the pictures do go up they're several months behind whatever news has happened. That among many other things contribute to the lack of personal posts on this blog. We're also trying to be more aware of OPSEC around here. The internet doesn't need to know when so & so is coming & what the time frame is & our planned activities. Having a public blog just kind of throws that out of the window, but I'm not ready to wholly throw in the towel yet.

My garden is the prettiest, biggest & looks to be the most productive one yet. There are swarms of Japanese beetles everywhere & not everything has come up but it's the most cheerful place to be despite that. It always makes me smile. I got a lot more garlic than I thought I would & my late planting is still growing well, though I don't think it will come up in time except to go back in as seed.
I've been canning all week, it's much more gratifying to see home canned goods arrive in a glut on our pantry rather than grocery cans. The children have been working w/ me pretty steadily as well. They sincerely enjoy working w/ me as opposed to merely completing an assigned task. I can't work on everything though, delegation is a must.
Unhappily our AC went out last week towards the end of my first canning session so I've been trying to get it done before 10:00. The actual canning part is done outside on a propane burner but cooking the fruit/blanching, etc. take place on the stove. The stove is shut off after 10:00 & supper is either salad, grilled or crockpotted w/ a lemonade break midafternoon.

We took the whole month of June off & just finished the required standardized testing for homeschoolers. I tend to do it before we start the new school year. I'd like to dip my toe into the school schedule next week & see how it goes. School in the heat is a drag, & outside jobs are better accomplished in the morning, we might set up shop under a tree for it instead.

 I've got melons trellised, onions, resting strawberries & a plot at rest awaiting winter greens.

2 stands of popcorn, another kind of strawberry & the herbs are creeping everywhere. I'll handle them this fall.
 I've never had a row of tomatoes before! 3 kinds, sweet potatoes, beans & pie pumpkins. 2 more rows waiting for greens.

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