15 October, 2010

Critters Galore

Mike tries to walk the property at least once a day. (He's lost 20 pounds since retirement!)Thanks to the loggers, when it does rain we have a lot of mud & are able to see the kind of company lurking. We're pretty sure that's a bear; there were a lot of critter tracks at the back of the property over by back branch.

The elusive deer that refuses to run into his bullet...

And a bunch of others. A friend loaned him a game cam & we've seen racoon, deer, fox & oppossom. The oppossum always eats by himself about 0600, the very last guest of our apple banquet. I don't know if there is a pecking order or what, maybe just different circadian patterns for different beasties? I wish I could pull those pics up, there is one of a racoon & deer sharing an apple. At least that is what it looks to be. Here is the top of our property, Tablerock is in the distance. We're throwing around building a cabin up here in 5 or 10 years. Have a great weekend!

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