16 February, 2011

Mud, Glorious Mud

I'm a little behind in posting this but one of the biggest adjustments to living in the land of no pavement is the mud.

One of my favorite things about my clothesline in Va. (this will sound silly) was the circle of grass beaten around it. I would rotate my hanging spot every week so the spot wouldn't get too bare.

You can barely see it but it's there. Pretty grass!

Let me tell you a bit about our mud. Our mud is red. It is thick. It is sticky & w/ a steady supply of snow & rain from Nov.-Feb. it is prevalent. I didn't care so much last winter but then we got goats & our mud became even more special. Now w/ goats we have muck.

That's what I step in to hang clothes. If the clothes fall or the goats get hungry for a cotton snack I have holes & red dirt that stains forever. I'm tempted to lay my clothes in the mud to color them uniformly, ha.

These are our main steps, though not the front steps. We are very seriously planning a small porch here in a year or 2. Yes, that is poo you see, they are not allowed on the steps but they love the warm wood. Their platform doesn't get sun until mid afternoon so until a dream porch is realized we just deal w/ the morass.

Most of the mud ends here in the appropriately titled "mud room". I think "laundry room" sounds pretty but that is truly its secondary function. I vacuumed that carpet remnant 20 min. before this picture was taken. Mike tells me not to bother when it's rainy for a few days but until I built the boot elevator it got tracked into the kitchen pretty frequently & muddy boots lay everywhere getting tripped on. It was a family headache. I actually only slapped together the top tier out of some scrap, the bottom is a very sturdy wooden crate. Mine has weight limits, that soap bucket had to move after I made a new batch.

Any unexpected trials in a new house of yours?

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